Remedy Entertainment’s sequel to Alan Wake, a multi-game universe, has finally been released amidst much anticipation and excitement among the fans. The game officially launched worldwide early on October 27, 2023, while in certain parts of the world, the game was released on October 26 due to the time zones.
As soon as the game hit the screens, the stream of reviews started to flood all over the internet. The game has been highly praised for being one of the greatest works of Remedy. Especially the storytelling of the new game which seems to be on point.
Besides, it offers a thrilling and spooky experience just in time for Halloween. Thus, players looking for some spooky thrills this Halloween have just what they would need in Alan Wake 2. While some reviews are calling it the perfect mix of Resident Evil and Silent Hill, with the best survival horror paired with an excellent narrative and audiovisual prodigy, others believe it stands as a strong contender for the best games of 2023 recognition.
Alan Wake 2 Metacritic scores
Among the several reviews, the game has received an impressive score of 88 on Metacritic, an aggregate website for films, television shows, music albums, and video game reviews. The score of 88 is based on 37 critical reviews from some of the renowned publications and review sites.
A game review website,, gave the game a solid 95 and wrote, “Alan Wake 2 is a fantastic survival/horror, with a particularly crazy narrative, mastered from start to finish. Its effective gameplay with the use of light and the manipulation of environments coupled with its very in-depth investigation dimension offers a racy experience.”
The review added that the latest game stands out from the crowd thanks to its stunning visuals and terrifying atmosphere. All these elements help make it one of the best horror games of recent years.
Similarly, the Guardian rates the game 85 on the platform, saying, “If Alan Wake 2 matched its narrative charms with greater depth in play, you’d be looking at a very special game indeed. As it stands, it’s a thrillingly spooky ride that can, at times, feel too much like you’re just pressing forward while weird things happen around you. That said, I very much enjoyed those weird things, and while Alan Wake 2’s combat lacks the developer’s usual pizzaz, it is Remedy’s best narrative adventure yet.”
Earlier last week, the developers faced a lot of backlash after they released the unreal system requirements for PC. However, after release, reviewers are of the opinion that Alan Wake 2 offers one of the true next-gen game experiences on PC.
Interestingly, Alan Wake 2 is the sequel to the 2010 action-adventure game. This means this sequel took around 13 years to release, and after playing the game, delighted fans are calling it “worth the wait.” The sequel is believed to be an upgrade from its predecessor in every way. The engaging narrative and challenging combat are sure to keep the players hooked to the game from start to finish.