Mortal Kombat 1 is the latest installment in the iconic fighting game series. Developed by NetherRealm Studios, this title marks a significant reset in the Mortal Kombat universe and storyline. Mortal Kombat 1 unfolds after Fire God Liu Kang creates a new universe, setting the stage for a Mortal Kombat tournament between worlds.
Mortal Kombat 1 was released on Early Access on September 14, 2023. And with a regular release scheduled for September 19, 2023. Further, the game’s premium edition offers various add-ons like early access, six new playable characters, and 1,250 Dragon Krystals for in-game purchases. The premium edition is priced at $109.99, a significant jump from the standard edition’s $69.99.
Moreover, the game features a revitalized Mortal Kombat Universe, masterfully crafted by Fire God Liu Kang after he gains mastery over time manipulation. Further, the original roster includes iconic characters like Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, and Sonya Blade. For those who can’t wait, early access starts on September 14, 2023, at 10 a.m. PDT.
Mortal Kombat 1’s Metacritic reviews place the game in a good spot.
Mortal Kombat 1 has been released on early access, and critics and purchasers of the premium edition now have an early opportunity to test out their fatalities. The positive aspects collectively paint a picture of “Mortal Kombat 1” as a game that combines innovation, visual excellence, engaging storytelling, and a well-rounded gaming experience. It appears to cater to both dedicated fans of the series and those new to the Mortal Kombat universe.
- Gaming Age (92/100):
- Describes it as a “polished, beautiful work of art” with innovation.
- This review emphasizes the love and care put into reimagining existing characters. This implies that fans of the series will appreciate the attention to detail and character development in the game.
- COGconnected (90/100):
- Highlights the new tag-team gameplay and the captivating story mode.
- Commends the incentive to keep playing through the Invasion mode.
- Applauds the solid online net code and tutorial.
- These positive points indicate that “Mortal Kombat 1” offers an engaging and immersive gaming experience. The tag-team gameplay and story mode appear to be particularly noteworthy features, while the online capabilities and tutorial contribute to a well-rounded package.
- TierraGamer (90/100):
- Describes it as an “excellent video game” with impeccable visual presentation.
- Praises the captivating game story and the spectacular combo mechanics.
- This review suggests that “Mortal Kombat 1” excels in terms of visuals, storytelling, and gameplay mechanics. The mention of spectacular combo mechanics indicates that combat in the game is dynamic and entertaining.
Some mixed reactions were also there; no game can be true without its negatives, even though it might be a little nit-picky sometimes.
- Wccftech (85/100):
- While praising the game, Wccftech does mention a “lack of compelling modes” and “meaningful character customization.” This implies that while the core gameplay is strong, there might be limitations in terms of variety and customization that some players could find disappointing.
- Screen Rant (70/100):
- Screen Rant offers a somewhat critical view. They point out that “Mortal Kombat 1” may not be an ideal starting point for newcomers to the series. This implies that there might be aspects of the game that assume prior knowledge of the series, combos, and gameplay.
- (80/100):
- While generally positive,’s review mentions that the game doesn’t bring many truly new ideas to the table. This suggests that “Mortal Kombat 1” might rely on established elements of the franchise rather than introducing groundbreaking innovations.
- TheSixthAxis (80/100):
- TheSixthAxis, despite giving a positive review, also notes that there is “room to grow.” While the game is good, it may not have reached its full potential and could benefit from further development or improvements, which might be done through an update.
Overall, Mortal Kombat 1 is rated at a Metacritic score of 86 and badged as Generally Favorable, with 12 critic reviews. We still have to wait and see the player reviews, which opens at noon PST on Sep 15, 2023. Players typically flood with reviews, allowing for a fair judgment of the game. Based on current observations, it seems that MK1 is another addition to NetherRealm Studios’ impressive list of great games in the series.