Bronson Reed, originally known as Jermaine Haley, is a professional wrestler hailing from Australia. Since his debut in NXT, the 35-year-old heavyweight wrestler has shown his dominance in the ring and is currently signed to RAW. Bronson Reed has had a long journey in professional wrestling before joining WWE. He has been in the company for about 14 years now and attributes his success to none other than his dear wife, Paige.
Paige made a special appearance on NXT when Bronson Reed became the North American Champion for the first time. After his victory, Reed called his wife into the ring and explained to everyone how his wife was his support system in his years of struggle. He was a bit emotional and lauded his wife for his success.
In an interview with Sports Illustrated, “This is as much her journey as it is mine. I’ve been with my wife since I was a teenager. She’s actually seen me since before I was a wrestler, when I was this huge wrestling fan and dreamed of one day getting to WWE. That seems like a big dream, especially when you’re from a really small town in Australia. She supported me the whole way, and it meant a lot to have her there”.
According to Bronson, he and his wife have known each other for a long time, since they were teenagers in high school. She supported his dreams to become a WWE wrestler and believed in him. Bronson Reed’s deep love for his wife is evident from the fact that he has a tattoo of her name on his chest. He never misses out on an opportunity to showcase his love for his high school sweetheart.
Paige is not available on social media and therefore remains secretive about her life. Moreover, her husband, Bronson Reed, has not talked much about her professional life on TV or in interviews.
How many children do Bronson Reed and Paige have?
As of 2023, Bronson Reed and Paige do not have any children. But in August, the superstar took to social media to announce that the couple was expecting their first child together in 2024. He explained about his IVF (in vitro fertilization) journey, which started in June 2022, and how the couple was successful in that.
As the couple is expecting their firstborn next year, Broson Reed will have the responsibility of raising a child. For now, he is performing well on Monday Night RAW and may get a chance to be part of the main storyline in the future. The couple seems to be happy and excited about having a new addition to their family.