Arnold Schwarzenegger, a man who we can trust when it comes to knowing things about human bodies, has provided conclusive proof that sports drinks like Logan Paul‘s PRIME are not the best drinks to provide hydration. In his daily newsletter, Schwarzenegger discussed the prevalence of sports drinks and whether they are healthy.
The 7-time Mr. Olympia winner explained the importance of staying hydrated. He wrote that it “is crucial for our overall health and well-being.” However, in the modern world, there are ample of options to hydrate yourself.
One of the most prevalent of the options is sports drinks. These drinks market themselves as something that provides optimal hydration. But, is that true? Are sports drinks your best option for hydration? According to a study referred to in Schwarzenegger’s newsletter, the answer is no. The best option for hydration is water.
As stated in the newsletter, “Researchers conducted a randomized trial to determine the hydrating effects of various beverages, including water, milk, orange juice, soda, and sports drinks.”
Water being the best option should not be surprising, however, a glass of milk being a better option than a sports drink should be. The research stated just that.
On the other hand, sports drinks are rich in electrolytes, which does not mean there are no benefits of electrolyte drinks. “There could be a benefit in the right situation — such as during or after intense exercise. Or, you might simply feel better when you have these drinks, or they could make you drink water where — in other situations — you might not drink it at all. And both scenarios could be beneficial.”
Schwarzenegger concluded that there was no point in paying extra money if water could do the job better.
Arnold Schwarzenegger explains the “scarcity loop” that hooks us up on junk food
Schwarzenegger’s newsletter ‘The Pump Daily’ helps readers create a healthy lifestyle. In his latest edition, along with the sports drinks, he explained the impact of junk foods. According to the bodybuilding legend, “We tend to eat more when foods have a wider variety of delicious flavors and are faster to consume.”
Referring to a book named Scarcity Brain by Michael Easter, Arnold Schwarzenegger explained a concept called “scarcity loop”. He explained that junk foods create control over us and “can influence behaviors you want to avoid.”
To defeat this loop, “You can take away or alter the opportunity, unpredictable rewards, or quick repeatability.”
He emphasized the fact that you do not have to cut out junk foods from your life completely. There needs to be control and if you are stuck in the loop, you need to make certain changes to get out of it.